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we’re having A sale on all our products. Enter your email below to be notified about future sales.

About Us

Frank MastersI understand how vulnerable you might feel with everything going on in this country.  You shouldn’t have to worry about jogging by yourself, going to your car at night from work or the grocery store, or worrying if your babysitter is abusing your children.

On our website, you will find everything related to non-lethal self-defense and protection for your home or business.

We’re having a temporary sale on all our products, plus FREE shipping on orders over $25.

Look around and let me know if you have any questions. It’s normal to have questions when it comes to what stun gun or pepper spray to choose or how you set up a hidden camera.

We want you to feel comfortable purchasing from us and the products you choose.

All of our stun guns, except the ZAP brand, have a lifetime warranty.  We also give you 30 days to make sure you are completely happy with what you purchased.

Frank Masters